Category: CNN网络架构设计

2 Posts

TLSC (Test-time Local Statistics Converter)
Revisiting Global Statistics Aggregation for Improving Image Restoration (消除图像复原中的“misalignment”,性能大幅提升) Paper: Revisiting Global Statistics Aggregation for Improving Image Restoration (AAAI 2022) arXiv: Code: Reference: [1] 消除图像复原中的“misalignment”,性能大幅提升 [2] 问题的提出: Specifically, with the increasing size of patches for testing, the performance increases in the case of UNet while it increases…
BoTNet (Bottleneck Transformers)
BoTNet (2021-01): 将 Self-Attention 嵌入 ResNet 文章:Bottleneck Transformers for Visual Recognition 论文: 摘要: We present BoTNet, a conceptually simple yet powerful backbone architecture that incorporates self-attention for multiple computer vision tasks including image classification, object detection and instance segmentation. By just replacing the spatial convolutions with global self-attention in…