在conda环境中(包括cuda,cudnn,onnxruntime-gpu等)使用pyinstaller打包onnxruntime-gpu程序。 Pyinstaller 命令配置-包含onnxruntime-gpu 如果conda环境路径为“C:/Users/demo/miniconda3/envs/face_rec/”。 pyinstaller --add-data="dll/*;." --add-binary "C:/Users/demo/miniconda3/envs/face_rec/Lib/site-packages/onnxruntime/capi/onnxruntime_providers_cuda.dll;./onnxruntime/capi" --add-binary "C:/Users/demo/miniconda3/envs/face_rec/Lib/site-packages/onnxruntime/capi/onnxruntime_providers_shared.dll;./onnxruntime/capi" .\YOUR_PYTHON_FILE_TO_RUN.py 收集CUDA、CUDNN对应的dll 在conda环境中,运行下列指令,找到对应的文件后,手动复制到打包好的exe路径下。 conda run where cuda*.dll conda run where cudnn*.dll
Function By using this module, you can upload your image to SM.MS and obtain a unique URL for downloading it. Subsequently, the URL is converted into a QR code, making it easily accessible for users to download the image using their smartphones. Input: an image Output: URL and QR code…
HDF5 Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) is a set of file formats (HDF4, HDF5) designed to store and organize large amounts of data. Document for HDF5 Python API: https://docs.h5py.org/en/stable/build.html Installation Installation with conda: conda install h5py Installation with pre-built wheels pip install h5py Usage import h5py h5_file_name = "my_data.h5" h5_writer =…
Scaled-YOLOv4: Scaling Cross Stage Partial Network In this reading notes: We have reviewed some basic model scaling method: width, depth, resolution, compound scaling. We have computed the operation amount of residual blocks, and showed the relation with input image size (square), number of layers (linear), number of filters (square). We…
Paper Information Paper: YOLObile: Real-Time Object Detection on Mobile Devices via Compression-Compilation Co-Design Authors: Yuxuan Cai, Hongjia Li, Geng Yuan, Wei Niu, Yanyu Li, Xulong Tang, Bin Ren, Yanzhi Wang Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.05697 Github: https://github.com/nightsnack/YOLObile Objective: Real-time object detection for mobile devices. Study notes and presentation: Download: https://connectpolyu-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/18048204r_connect_polyu_hk/EcRbix5iqshBglmxuLurS-sBBFmbrk8chRkim1y54-yOXw?e=8Qdfmd This is an…
Background Recently, I have worked on a demo program that works on the Windows OS. However, most of my recent works are based on the python language. I really like the simplicity of the language, and don't want to go back to use the C++ and MFC. Therefore, in this…