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Presentation Slides Q&A
Presentation Slides Q&A Report
Presentation Slides Q&A
System Preparation Install NVIDIA 2080Ti (driver + cuda) # if need remove old driver sudo apt-get purge nvidia* sudo apt autoremove #add ppa sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers sudo apt-get update #install driver version 440 sudo apt install nvidia-driver-440 sudo reboot #if the system is ubuntu 18. Cuda10.1 cd ~/Downloads wget…
Objectives Deep learning is a recently hot machine learning method. The deep learning architectures are formed by the composition of several nonlinear transformations with the goal to yield more abstract and extract useful representations/features. (i) Start with a revision of the basic principle of Neural Networks, neutron structure, examples of…
Objectives Deep learning is a recently hot machine learning method. The deep learning architectures are formed by the composition of several nonlinear transformations with the goal to yield more abstract and extract useful representations/features. (i) Start with a revision of the basic principle of Neural Networks, neutron structure, examples of…
Objectives Decision trees and random forests have been used in our group for some years. It is good to have a review on its basic theory, limitation and recent developments. The study includes, but not limited to, the definition of decision trees, binary trees, multi-decision trees, ensemble methods, bagging, boosting,…